Mandatories Bundle Learning Objectives (2025)

Biomedical Ethics Of MassageTherapy 

#1 Define what ethics is and what it is not 

#2 Identify the responsibilities of the massage therapist as it relates to power dynamics

#3 Explain ways in which the massage therapist can sustain ethical behavior

#4 Describe an appropriate business policy for an ethical massage practice

#5 List an example of a duel relationship with a patient

#6 Identify an example of a correct attitude to ethically negotiate conflicts with patients

#7 Describe an unethical scheduling action

#8 Differentiate correct from incorrect ways to terminate a professional relationship with a patient

#9 Identify when and when not to breach patient confidentiality

#10 Define the meaning of beyond legal scope of practice

#11List a topic in which biomedical ethical concerns are relevant

#12Explain how to improve objectivity in medical ethics

 #13Explain what it means to respect autonomy, according to the Belmont Report

 #14Describe the criteria for biomedical ethical informed consent for research trials

#15Analyze the procedure for documenting patient informed consent 


Massage Therapy Medical Errors Prevention

#1 Define three categories of medical based errors.

#2 Explain how to disinfect objects that have been in contact by the therapist or patient during a massage session

#3 State a valid conclusion of a meta research study on mask wearing

#4 List some conditions that would cause a patient to be more at risk of a slip and fall injury.

#5 Differentiate when to document a patient information form

#6 Define the term contraindication in massage therapy practice

#7 List what medications effects a massage therapist should be made aware of as a potential medical errors risk 

#8 List contraindications after a patient has had a recent surgery

#9 Explain the association of chair massage with the medical error risk related to the sinus reflex effect 

#10List an indication associated with the pregnant patient during a massage session

Florida Massage Practice Laws

#1  Understand the laws of fingerprint processing and retention

#2  Determine the statutes and rules pertaining to a “health care practitioner”

#3  Define the term Designated Establishment Manager

#4  List the types of valid identification documents required

#5  List information a therapist must inform patient of according to 64B7-23.009

#6  Describe the sanitation requirements in a massage establishment

#7  Explain the requirement when reactivating an inactive license

#8  List the requirements of approved massage continuing education courses

#9  Delineate  a continuing education requirement of a human trafficking course

#10Designate where license numbers are to appear

Human Trafficking Education for LMTs

#1 Define both sex trafficking and labor trafficking

#2 Explain how to identify individuals who may be victims of human trafficking

#3 Differentiate appropriate and inappropriate ways to inquire in suspected cases of human trafficking 

#4 Identify resources currently available to victims of human trafficking

#5 List the steps a victim of human trafficking should take to seek assistance.


Neuromuscular Therapy and Assessment Part 1 and 2

# 1 Describe aspects of neuromuscular therapy

# 2 Define the term fascia

# 3 List a property of ground substance of fascial tissue

# 4 Differentiate structural aspects of superficial facia from deep fascia

# 5 Analyze the function of collagenase in relation to massage therapy

# 6 Define the term trigger point

# 7 Name the molecular unit of contraction of muscle

# 8 Differentiate between trigger point pressure release and ischemic compression

# 9 List an example of a method a massage therapist could use to treat trigger point pain 

#10 Describe a positive sign of locating a trigger point nodule

# 11 Identify a symptom of trigger point dysfunction of the deltoid muscle

# 12 List a mistaken diagnosis of trigger point dysfunction of the paraspinal muscles.

 # 13Identify an aggravating factor of TrP activation of the deep lateral rotator group

# 14 Differentiate conditions that contribute to trigger point dysfunction and perpetuation

# 15 Explain a corrective action for head forward posture

# 16 Define the term “massage therapy assessment” according to Florida Rule 64B7

# 17 Describe evidence that a treatment is likely to have a positive impact

# 18 Determine if the selection of a massage modality by the patient from a menu is informed consent

# 19 List an example of an objective data information of a SOAP note

#20 List a condition related to fascial dysfunction