Our Course Approvals

Pure Massage

Florida Board of Massage Provider #50-14599 Since 2013

Instructor #85-3376247 Current 8/31/25

Georgia Board of Massage Therapy Provider Current 7/25/2026

NCBTMB Approved Provider #231 Current 7/25/2026

If you are dually licensed in another state than FL and/or a paid NCBTMB member, see note under the NCBTMB badge below.

Florida Board of Massage approved #20-759777 Subject: Relevant to and focused on massage techniques “hands on” 12CE distance learning approved until 8/31/25 (NCBTMB#70297570)

Florida Board of Massage approved #20-801846 Subject: Relevant to and focused on massage techniques “hands on” 12CE distance learning approved until 8/31/25 (NCBTMB#70297572)

Pure Trigger Point Seminar Lower Body Anytime

Mandatories Bundle of Courses

Pure Trigger Point Seminar Upper Body Anytime

Pure Myofascial Seminar Anytime

Florida Board of Massage approved in stated subject, also NCBTMB approved format: Home Study

12 CE Bundle Consists of All Written Courses Below:

Biomedical Ethics of Massage Therapy 3CE (#20-938052) (NCBTMB#70301482) Subject: Professional Ethics

Massage Therapy Medical Errors Prevention 2CE (#20-554636) (NCBTMB#70301484) Subject : Medical Errors

Florida Massage Practice Laws 2CE (#20-554632) (NCBTMB # 70301486) Subject: Laws and Rules of the Board

Human Trafficking Education for LMTs 1CE (#20-902947) (NCBTMB#70301488) Subject: Human Trafficking

Neuromuscular Therapy and Assessment 4CE (#20-938048) (NCBTMB#70301489) Subject : General hrs, not hands on

Florida Board of Massage approved #20-801848 Subject : Relevant to and focused on massage techniques “hands on” 12CE distance learning approved until 8/31/25 (NCBTMB#70297574)

Course Learning Objectives

Myofascial Video

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the composition of fascial tissue of the body

  2. List the contraindications for myofascial therapy

  3. Identify proper skin condition for skin rolling techniques

  4. Explain the effects of sustained moderate tension on fascial tissue

  5. Utilize the STAR approach to evaluate myofascial dysfunction by palpation

  6. Know how long to hold tension in the sustained moderate tension method

  7. List the effects of deep layer myofascial techniques

  8. List the precautions for deep cross fiber friction

  9. Designate tissue types appropriate for deep cross fiber friction

  10. Identify which myofascial principle is affected by slow deep fascial glide techniques

  11. Identify the correct massage stroke for slow deep fascia gliding

  12. Define the continuous fascial web from heel to head on the back side of the body

Trigger Point Upper Body

Learning Objectives:

  1. List the contraindications for trigger point therapy

  2. Identify the bony landmarks to locate the trapezius muscle during contraction

  3. Locate Trigger Points in the levator scapula

  4. Differentiate the anatomical locations of the posterior neck group

  5. Identify the proper technique for treating the sternocleidomastoid muscle

  6. Identify the scalene muscles by palpation and target muscle contraction

  7. Identify the bony landmarks to locate the supraspinatus on the body

  8. Find the location of essential pain zones of the subscapularis

  9. Identify an endangerment zone for the pectoralis major

  10. Describe trigger point treatment of the biceps brachii muscles

  11. Find the essential pain zones of the brachialis muscle

  12. Differentiate the biceps and brachialis from the triceps

Trigger Point Lower Body

Learning Objectives:

  1. List the contraindications for trigger point therapy

  2. Identify the bony landmarks to locate the hamstring muscles during contraction

  3. Locate the trigger point referred pain pattern for the erector spinae group.

  4. List the muscles of the transversospinalis group.

  5. Define the benefits of patient positioning for treatment of quadratus lumborum trigger points

  6. Identify the endangerment zones for treatment of the iliopsoas

  7. Locate the iliacus attachment by target muscle contraction technique

  8. Name the neurological effects of trigger points of the piriformis

  9. Identify the anatomical locations of the gluteal muscles

  10. Describe ethical palpation for treatment of the adductor group

  11. List the number of trigger point locations of the vastus medialis

  12. Differentiate the vastus lateralis from the bordering muscles by target muscle contraction technique

Mandatories Bundle

Learning objectives of each course in the Mandatories Bundle can be found Here

Biomedical Ethics of Massage Therapy 3CEs covers business practices, power dynamics, decision making, conflict negotiation, confidentiality, self awareness, boundaries, and policy communication. Biomedical ethics history and topics relevant to healthcare practitioners is included.

Massage Therapy Medical Errors Prevention 2CEs covers medical error risks related to slip and fall injuries, medication and massage, and precautions for recent surgery or pregnancy. A section about the sinus reflex effect during chair massage explains this puzzling errors risk. Updated information relevant to risk of transmission and prevention of infectious disease through massage activities, including personal protection equipment, is taught. 

Florida Massage Practice Laws 2CEs is updated to changes LMTs need to know for Chapters 456, 480, and Rule 64B7. These updates are color coded for ease of reference the next time a student takes this course, each renewal cycle. The Florida Board of Massage Therapy website has complete information for FL LMTs.

Human Trafficking Education for LMTs 1CE meets FL Board of Massage Therapy requirement about the nature of both labor and sex trafficking. what signs to look for, how to inquire, and resources available. It takes a victim trauma centered approach, utilizing the instructor’s training with the National Human Trafficking Training and Assistance Center.

Neuromuscular Therapy and Assessment 4CEs is general hours that compliments the video courses as a written reference guide. The Florida Board of Massage Therapy assessment rules for outcome based focus and charting when practicing neuromuscular therapy is included.

We Report To CE Broker for You

Active member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

Pure Massage gets your passing test results automatically & posts your CE hours to the Florida Board in CE Broker in 48 hrs.

All courses for sale are FL Board of Massage approved for the distance learning rule extension 2023-2025

NCBTMB Provider 231

Florida LMTs, this message does not apply to you.

For all others (NCBTMB paid members, Georgia and other state licensees, see below:

Mandatories Bundle: All courses are NCBTMB approved. However, for Georgia licensees, they are not valid CEs for GA.

All Hands On Video courses are NCBTMB Approved, also valid for GA as general hours, however:

For Hands On Video courses purchased: If you need an NCBTMB approved certificate, email Pure Massage a request for the NCBTMB longer test to be sent separately. To simplify things, only the FL approved test is uploaded automatically, as the majority of purchases are FL LMTs.

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Florida Massage CEs in a Simple Package

24 CE FL Renew Package

Start Your CEs today

$140.00 Includes all 24CEs for a Standard* FL Massage Renewal

*See FAQ for details